Friday, May 24, 2019

Building Up

Some themes I have been seeing on social media lately have been focusing on allergy season and building up our immune systems. It's really a great thing to do to protect and prevent illness in our body.  We do this with vitamins, food, rest, exercise, and relaxation. There are many proactive things we can do so that we are not reactive in our approach to our health.

It's the same with our faith. We have an opportunity to be proactive in our faith in order to build it up so that we are not trying to catch up when we are in crisis in life or in faith. You know that place. When we have fought the battle until we are exhausted. When we have come to the end of our human strength.

In Exodus 17, Amalek came to fight Israel.  Moses had a plan. He instructed Joshua to go and fight Amalek and his people.  Moses was to go stand up at the top of a hill with his staff and hold up his arms. As long as his hands were raised towards the heavens, Israel prevailed. If he dropped them, Amalek prevailed.  Moses got tired, his arms got heavy.  See, this is where Moses was proactive. You see, God had put people in place to stand along side of Moses.  Aaron and Hur.  When these two men saw Moses become fatigued and the battle waned, they stepped up, pulled up a stone and had Moses rest.  Then, they lifted Moses' arms for him. Israel won the battle.

I know we are busy. We can rarely take time to see those God has placed around us because we are busy fighting our own battles. Busy living our lives with our heads to the ground, just trying to make it through the next season.  I'm pretty positive that God never wanted it to be this way. We are designed for community. We're supposed to carry each other's troubles (burdens) (Galations 6:2) according to love. We are supposed to have faith for each other (Jude 1:20 NLT). We're supposed to encourage and build each other up (1 Thess 5:11).  We're family (Romans 12: 10 HSCB).  We stand by each other and hold up one another's arms.  How do we do this? We look up. We look around and actually 'see' each other.  We pray for one another and build each other up instead of tearing one another down. I know, it goes against everything the world stands for right now! Shocking! It's hard when you only see your brothers and sisters in Christ only once or twice a week. You don't truly know what is going on in their life, especially if they don't share at 'given' prayer times or just in polite conversation after service. We all have family members in our churches who are walking through HARD things. They are suffering, bleeding, and some dying through their struggles.  Some are struggling with things that maybe you have already walked through.

How can you build their faith? First we have to ask. Be intentional and know when something might be "off" and ask. Second, hold up their arms. Pray for them. In your quiet time (and ask God because he will reveal if you ask!) or while you are driving to the next thing, pray for whoever pops into your mind, seek Him for that person and get a word for them.  You never know it may be the only thing they have to cling to. You will be surprised how much your faith is built in the process. Want to be deeper in with a group of people? Pray for one another. It doesn't take much, just hold up their arms. Write a note, send a text, make a call.  Was that terribly difficult for Aaron or Hur? Do you think they complained to the Lord that they didn't have a bigger part in the battle? It wasn't about them. It was about God winning the battle and their obedience to support not only Moses, but Joshua and the troops on the battle field.

If you are the ones struggling, God sees you. I see you and I'm praying.  Let's build our faith just as we focus on building our immune system.  In Word, Prayer, and Worship.

So how can we be proactive in building our faith? Immerse yourself in the word, prayer, and worship. Also, surround yourself with people, family who love you and love Jesus. Put yourself in a life group or Sunday school class or team within the church. Create community with others. It's not easy for some of us, but it is really essential for building our faith.  Don't be afraid to share your burdens.  None of us have it together. I promise! Maybe someone in your community has walked where you have walked and has wisdom and knows how to pray. They know how to hold up your arms. It's the body of Christ. Let's build it up just like we do our own body!

Need some quiet time ideas?
RightNow Media
Seeking a Heart Like His
Uncommon Life for Men
Behind the Worship

Need some Worship ideas?
In the presence
24/7 Worship

Need some Prayer ideas?
I love these journals from Mardel.  I find it better for me to focus when I write my prayers down. It's just like a conversation. It doesn't have to be formal.
You can also pray in the car. I find myself praying in just about the same spot on my drive to and from work. I don't plan for it to happen, it just does, usually in the same exact spot. Weird, huh.
Need quiet when you pray? Find a spot in your home (I use my closet sometimes) where you can have your bible and some paper and pens. You never know when God will tell you something. Sometimes He just has to get us in a quiet place so we will open our ears and listen.
Need to pray with others? Many churches (ours included) have a prayer gathering at some point in the week. One thing I know about people who pray is that they are always looking for and eager for people to join them in prayer (Matthew 18:20).  Again, it doesn't have to be fancy or "preachy", just honest dialogue from your heart to his ears!

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