Monday, May 12, 2014

Grateful Living

Yesterday was Mother's Day and I spent it with my church family and my family.  It was a sweet day that ended with some apple pie from Ernesto's.  I am truly blessed to be a mother.  I don't take my job lightly and I LOVE my kids with all my heart.  I know that the path laid before me prepared me for this journey of motherhood.  My mother is such an awesome example of the person I hope to be for my children.
My mom and I started on a journey together in November of last year.  We had been talking about and meaning to find out about these essential oils for months.  We just hadn't had the time to do it.  My mom had been experiencing some very concerning chest pains for about 8 months.  She spent dollar after dollar trying to find out if it was her heart, her stomach, her colon..etc.  No one could tell her why her chest was hurting. Thousands of dollars later, she still had no answers.  As for me, working in the nursing field, I was becoming more and more concerned about how many antibiotics are really prescribed and how many steroids are just given to make symptoms better.  While I believe there are very real times and places for these things,  we are seriously overusing them.  I wanted something better for my family.
We finally made it to a class and absolutely were sold on these oils.  Maybe they could help us?  We were about to find out.  We have done hours upon hours of research and digging and learning about how these oils work and which ones work for what.  It is absolutely amazing at what these little drops can do.  Peppermint for a headache or stomach ache, Oregano as an antibiotic and antiviral, Thieves for just about anything.  These oils have changed our lives.  I no longer reach for the Tylenol or Ibuprofen when we get a headache.  I reach for my oils.  My children no longer ask for medications when they don't feel good.  Even my 5 year old knows where to go if he has a tummy ache.  They ask for oils.  They want to learn what works and what doesn't.  The Lord has placed these oils in our lives for the better.  He created these amazing plants and barks and flowers for the purpose of healing our bodies.  Why wouldn't I try?  There are so many examples of anointing with oil in the bible.  I can't wait to see how far He takes us on this journey.  If you would like to know more about essential oils, you can visit my website,  You can also message me to find out about  class.  Find me on facebook at Grateful Living.

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