Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Renewing Mind

It's been a tough day.  Losing Lucky was pretty hard for me.  I delivered this goat from her mother. I didn't think I would take it this hard.  I found myself starting to lash out last night.  It seemed as though everything was bothering me.  Today, I was just teary and overwhelmed all day long.  As I drove back from getting groceries at the store, the Lord reminded me that I have to be constantly renewing my mind.  I could let that darkness of depression sneak up on me.  I could let it overwhelm my mind and heart, but I don't have the strength to climb out from that pit right now.  What I really need is the Lord to renew my mind and constantly take me from that place of darkness and set me in His light where I can be surrounded and soak in his light.  
Romans 12:2 says Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will is--His good, pleasing and perfect will.  Yes, I need to be transformed by the Holy Spirit.  Lord, wash over me!  I need to know your GOOD, PLEASING, and PERFECT will.  
Have you been here?  Are you here?  It takes just a minute to start, just ask the Lord to help you focus on something of him, something good and He will remind you whose you are.  I am a daughter of the King, I am a child of the creator.  Blessings.

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