Monday, May 5, 2014


Wow, it has been a LONG time since I blogged.  I just don't keep up with it much anymore.  Life gets in the way.  Have you ever said that about anything?  "Life gets in the way."  Wow.  What a statement.  Life, that fragile thing that sustains us.  The thing that is not always fair or easy, but if it is not there....well.  The Bible says a lot about life.  It is always in relationship to the Life we have with Jesus.  Without Him life wouldn't be worth living.  John 1:4 says, "In him was life and that life was the light of all mankind."  How many times do we let loving our 'life' get in the way of letting Life be the light of all mankind.  See, when we let Jesus work through us, life becomes something totally different.  Life becomes light and light SHATTERS darkness.  Read verse 5 in John 1, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.  The word always says more than once that if we love our life, we will lose it (Matthew 10:39, Mark 8:35, Matthew 16:25, Luke 9:24, John 12:25).  Meaning if we find our life without Jesus, who shatters darkness and gives us eternal life with Him, we!
It has been a tough day.  We learned of a child who lost his life over the weekend, and we lost an animal to a random accident while we were out of town.  Life is fragile in the fleshly world.  Good thing that Jesus has overcome the world and has overcome death.  I know losing an animal pales in comparison to losing a child.  I cannot imagine what those parents have to deal with now.  It is still painful and you still go through the grieving process.  I rejoice in the fact that I have Jesus to break through the darkness.  I am grateful that the Life HE gives is abundant and full and eternal.  That momma will see her baby again one day.  It will be hard every day until then, but there is Hope.  My heart grieves for her and I pray that she will find the Light in all that darkness.  My life isn't getting in the way anymore.  I am enjoying the life that God gave me with my husband and my kids, my family and friends, and those around me who need to find life with Christ.  So next time those words try to escape your lips.  Remember, life is not a bad thing.  It is where you find your life that is important.  Life with Jesus and the gifts He has given you is always living.  It is not something that just happens to you.  It is something you take hold of and march through the darkness with Christ on your side.

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