Tuesday, May 27, 2014

He Loves Us

I was able to catch a sweet moment between my dog and my son today.  They were out playing among the wildflowers in the pasture together.  Our puppy (yes that dog is a puppy) is very protective of my children.  She was watching him from a little ways off, making sure he didn't get into something he shouldn't.  It was so sweet.
The whole scenario reminded me of a couple of things.  First of all, those flowers are considered weeds by most adults.  My son was able to see past a nuisance, past the fact that the pasture is full of them and straight to the fact that they are pretty and he wanted some for his mom!  You see, the Lord asks us to be like children for a reason.  We have lived life and experienced things and know things that children don't.  They don't know that the grass won't grow because the weeds are growing instead.  Think about that homeless person you passed at lunch today.  Were they a nuisance, did they not look nice?  The Lord looks at the heart, the most honest and beautiful part of a person.  The part that sustains life and feels emotion.  He wants us to be childlike to be able to see what He sees.
The second thing He showed me was how Kari was protecting  "Little Bit".  I have been in a period of waiting and wondering what the Lord was doing, where the Lord was leading.  I have often wondered how He watches us.  It sometime can feel like he is at a distance and just watching for us to make a move. Other times we wonder if he is even there.  I really see him watching like Kari did.  Not far off, right there watching and engaging in LB's life.  I have no doubt that if he was in trouble, Kari would be there.  Why do I wonder if God would be there?  He is there...every second of the day and He put His body between us and harm.  He gave His life to save us from eternal harm.  I love these moments when He shares how much He loves me!

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